How to improve android phone battery life

 Android phone battery,

The android phone battery is very important on android devices which is mostly one support the devices to work, and without the phone battery nothing may be done and the device couldn't run or being turn on.

It is better to should be safe by considering the required ways to improve the it's healthy life. Let's look on various tips to improve the quality of the battery life standard through using and storing battery or the devices. You may learn here more about improving life standard of battery for android uses

How android phone battery life can be improved.

Expanding the charging rate of devices 

For improvement of battery the should not apply the system of first charging which  enable the device to be charged to a short time rather than required time. The charging a battery fastly than required time may reduce the capacity of battery devices rate and this should be avoided to extend the charging time of a device 

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Limition or reduction of screen brightness 

 The screen brightness should be reduced to maintain the power consumption of a device which will make a battery to stay with power for long time, the high brightness to the smartphones it limit the battery power life 

To apply battery power saving mode 

The power saving mode should be applied to the device to maintain the battery power life software and hardware mechanism which may be used to improve the battery life.

The strategies to be applied include limiting the mobile data or the network, limit the call time uses of mobile phones application or make mostly uses of Wi-Fi network than mobile data, where the Wi-Fi network tend to use low power consumption.

Application of airplane mode 

The Airplane mode on android phone turn of the GPS, bluetooth, cellular data outgoing call and incoming call are also turned off WI-FI network and other they mostly  improve the battery life power. The Airplane mode should be applied when the devices is not in use  

Application of screen dark mode 

The dark mode on smartphones  improve the battery life because it limit the the screen brightness and make the power consumption very low and protect eyes because it display in dark mode.

This technology have also been transformed by Google to use this display technology of dark mode system Flagship, LCD and Sumsang, oneplus and and other screen technology the dark screen is mostly applicable. 

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