How to troubleshoot computers, android phones, Tablets and other electronic device issues


Is the way of understanding the problem or certain error that happen on  the android phone, tablet or computer device and fix them in a software devices system. 

The troubleshooting aim to find, analyze, and fix the problems after being identified clearly. You may also learn here on how troubleshooting is working 

Example of troubleshooting image.

At this sight you will learn on how to fix these problem by following certain ways , stages and procedures until problem is fixed .when phone enter with certain problem the first issue to do is to troubleshoot it our selves in order to have access to our devices all the time. 

Troubleshooting process may involve sophisticated machines which are used to fix these problem including electronics, software system and even computers and all other related machines. 

Steps for troubleshooting issues

Step 1 

To identify the indicator or sign of the problem

This will involve the identification of the kind of the problem to understand and on how leads to errors to happen and also to know the an area which is the main source of the problem and consider the relationship between the information which are obtained.

Step 2 

To remove issues which are not involved, 

The whole system which operate the device should be correct and installed in a right way, reduction of hard and software config, and also understand if the problem is reproductive on a single or double ssystem,  to make a primary try release and through tracing back in previous section on operating system. 

Step 3

Seek for the reason or causes of the problem, 

To understand the main causes of the problem in which in one way or another look as the source of the problem. This will be done through uses of flag to transform defaults, tracing back method, to look the typical reason in an area and use the system in operating section and saving some temporary setting in operating system so us to solve the problem or look a way will be better in solving such problem. 


To understand and find the fix towards the problem,

This means seeking or looking for  possible working around of the problem, to put the file into bug,  principles or rules on how to submit the bug report towards problem to finish or fix the errors that have been identified and last finish in fixing the application and from that the problem will be ready cleared or fixed. 

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All issues explain above is all about how you will successful troubleshoot or fix these issues in Android or computer system including personal computers, and all other window  devices, tablets and other electronic devices. 

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Above image show some steps how to avoid overheating problem to keep your laptop in a good condition no. It is among of the issues troubleshooted. Learn here more about avoiding PC from overheating 

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