
 defined as learning is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job. Or in other way can define Learning as the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, value, attitudes and preferences. And the process of learning is continuous which starts right from the time of birth and continue until death.

And training according to Garry Dessler, define that training is the process of teaching new or employees the basic skills they need to perform their job, or can define training as act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for performing the job assigned to him or her. There is different forces influencing learning in the company and also training can help companies to deals with those forces as our question need as to do.

The following are the forces influencing learning and how training can help companies deals with those forces: -

       New technology, advancement of new technology can influence learning because the new technology comes with new ideas in different area like internet access, uses of computers and other electronic machine which can make an employees to get new skills and knowledge about it so as to be aware with changes like to understand the uses of computer and other electronic device, so many company in the world they use technology in operation of different activities, the employees must be updated so as to go direct with it, this means an introduction of a new device or application that enhances the use of technology.

Training help company to keep employees up to date with the latest advances in technology to help with aide their consumers, also training giving an opportunity to the employees to choose where and when they will work and new technology allow training to occur at any time and any place.

         Globalization, this is a process of making the all world to be as a single village, so a company through technology and Internet allow data and information to be assessable around the world, also means that employees from different nations can work at any nations, and high interaction of different issues as well as market, due to this influence learning so as to be capable and familiar with 

Training helps to prepare employees with their family to understand the culture and norms of the specific county they are being relocated to and to return to their origin country after their assignment.

         Need for a leadership, company can influenced learning due to the need for a leader, so having employees with global leadership skills to be able to build international teams, create global management and marketing practices and interact and manage employees from diverse cultural backgrounds and also need to help retain employees being good communicators, so due to this situation the company can influence learning process so as to get good leadership for the success of the company.

Training helps managers learn ways to interact with their colleagues or requires them to do research.

        Attracting and retaining talent, this is being able to attract employees with the needed skills and being able to retain them by offering an attractive salary, interesting job. This is so important because of changes in demand for certain occupations and jobs, skill requirements, the anticipated retirement of the baby or young employees.

Training deal with this force by helping to fills in the gaps where employees might not have much background with a skill and increases employee’s opportunities for advancement.

         Focus on link to business strategy, any organization in the world they want to archive more profit, means plans for meeting broad goals such as profitability, market share, and quality. This can give the important role that intangible assets and human capital play in company competitiveness, its plans for meeting broad goals such as profitability.

Training deals with this by helping to design and develop learning activities that will help the company successfully implement its strategy and research business goals.

         Customer service and quality emphasis, in this have to understand what customer wants and anticipating future needs. Here the company they have to understand their customer to treat, as they want and to provide good quality services and product so as to build trust to the customers. So companies customers judge quality and performance and to interact with customers.

Training helps support its quality and customer satisfaction goals by offering classroom training, on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring, observation, and assessments. This can help company meet the quality challenge by teaching employees statistical process control and other quality-related skills that they can use to build quality into a product.

         Demographics change and diversity of the work force, the employees have to be updated or dynamic with the change of the environment or diversity of the work, so through learning the workers can be aware with those changes, and this can help a company to growth simply because the employees change as a company change, also have to keep staff with different ages or areas in ethnicity in order to ideas fresh

Training helps employees figure out where they like to work best in an environment by changing positions may be through off job training or other.
       High performance models of work systems, means helping employees work as a team whether it by work teams, cross training, and ensuring high performance in the organization or company by different strategies like team work or not.

Training helps by providing training to employees in a wide range of skills so they can fill any of the roles needed to be performed on the team.

           Generally the factors that influence workplace learning have been categorized into organizational or company, functional, and personal levels and this level factors that improve workplace learning can be explained by the relationships with organization development including, strategy, technology and structure, and this factors influence work place learning might reflect the position of the organization and employees, and also provide practical implementation of human resource development. So learning and training they depend to each other in their function and in order to develop the company in different ways and secto


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