How to make your E-mail account more secured


These are message or text that are in form of electronic that allow to send and receive information or massage electronically Between individual through computer or smartphones with a support of Internet 

Email is usefully when a person need to involve in online business, new device activation like smartphones and computer, communicating with others, and some time used in creating different account online 

E-mail is applicable to the companies, banks, administration area for the aim of simplifying the communication and services provided 

You may also learn more here about email 

At this article your going to learn how to improve security to your E-mail account 

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How to improve online privacy  

How to create E-Mail step by step

Electronic mail it has various provider which are very simple to use and good for maintaining privacy. These provider it include G-mail, yahoo mail and others may use Microsoft outlook mail as shown

Providers of E-mail 
The following are some of tips which will help to maintain privacy on your E-mail  account 

1. Stop or reduce to forward information or massages 

The sharing massage through forwarding is to the E-mail account is not good. This  because the information or massage where is going it can cause problem to your account because some information contain with a sensitive information  of the company or organization which may be secret for organizational growth. Therefore it is very simple to be violated when forwarding massage through E- mail 

2. Apply two- process of verification  
To these who are using E-mail with more than one account, two process of verification is very important because will add more security to your account and will be impossible for others to gain access 

A person may use a combination of verification which may combine physical and more other requirements like password and more other. Example when person need to login your account by other device will demand to gain information to your E-mail account or phone number and entering the password they the verification will be done separately 

And this will let know to your other account that your signing to your account with other device 

3. Make an assessment on security notification 

There is E-Mail notification that sent to your account basing on privacy that need to be assessed and reviewed. The notification massage  may be tell you to 
Change your password, signing to another account or other location and these will demand to change security settings. But also even if your signing with other location the massage or notification will be sent to your account and will demand to review and make assessment 

4. Remember always to sign out to your account 

When your using other device or your own device remember to logout when you finish doing your issues, this help to maintain privacy to your account because will not make a room for others gain access to your E-mail account 

The E-Mail your using maybe in smartphones devices or PC and computer where E-Mail program is applicable. To sign off is not just closing a web because this will lead other to gain access to your E-mail either to a computer email web or smartphones devices 

5. Apply the uses of strong password 

The password should be strong, unique unknown with others, and able to be remembered by yourself. The strong password should contain the letters, number and character at ones should be involved to create a strong and unique one. 

6. Select device which are fully secured 

The devices used either smartphone, computer, PCs, tablets and others should be fully secured this because some of devices are abused and can make your email account in danger and unsecured 

We are done 

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