Data search

 Cooper and Schindler (2011) state that data collection methods refer to the process of gathering data after the researcher has identified the types of information needed which is; 

the investigative questions the researcher must answer, and has also identified the desired data type (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for each of these questions and also ascertained the characteristics of the sample unit that is, whether a participant can articulate his or her ideas, thoughts, and experiences. 

This study focused on the use of primary data which was collected from the target sample. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. 

The data collection instrument for the study was developed based on literature from various scholars on the subject of factors that influence employee motivation and its impact on employee performance in the organization.

The questionnaire was divided into four sections: The first part was designed to analyze demographic data, which focused on collecting the respondent‟s personality characteristics deemed to contribute to the factors that influence employee motivation and how it impacts on the employee performance. 

The second part looked at extrinsic factors that influence the level of employee motivation at Amref Health Africa in Kenya. This section consisted of questions that were based on the identified extrinsic factors studied in the literature review with an aim of determining if they apply to Amref Health Africa in Kenya. There were five multiple choice options for each question, representing five levels of preference; Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree.


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