Meaning, Elements, Purpose And Importance Of Job Description

Meaning of job description
Job description (JD) is a document that contains job information such as requirements, qualifications, expectations and the responsibilities a job entails. A JD aims at providing job information to applicants and attract best candidates to apply for a job. Also, employers can evaluate the performance of the employees by reviewing the responsibilities and expectations mentioned in a JD and determine the training needs.

Elements/components of Job description
A good job description usually covers seven parts which are Job title, Job summary, Key responsibilities, Qualifications, Reporting structure, Working conditions and Compensation.

  1. Job title: A name of a job or position. It defines the duties and roles to be performed in a job. 
  2. Job summary: A summarization of job description, it provide an overview of a job.
  3. Responsibilities: The routine activities and duties to be carried out in a job.
  4. Qualifications and requirements: The job specifications an employee is required to have to perform a job.
  5. Reporting structure: The chain of command in hierarchy system of an organization. It shows who to report to whom.
  6. Working conditions: The environment in which a job will be performed, it includes facilities, working hours location and others.
  7. Compensation: The payment in return for the work done.

Purpose of Job description
Job description is used for different purposes including recruitment, performance appraisal, training and preparation for interview.

JD is used by employers to provide job information to the job seekers and attract the best candidates to apply for a job. The qualifications and requirements mentioned in a JD helps job seekers to understand whether they qualify to apply the job or not.

Performance appraisal
JD can also be used by employers to evaluate the performance of the employees by reviewing the responsibilities and expectations mentioned. 

Training needs identification
Employers can use JD to identify the training needs by relating the employees performance with the expectations and responsibilities mentioned.

Preparation for interview
It is highly recommended to research for the details relating to the job and the company before the interview so as to get useful information which can help you in answering questions. A JD can be used by applicants to prepare themselves for the interview.

Importance of Job Description
Job description defines responsibilities, requirements, qualifications, expectations and other information related to the job. These information help employers in hiring a right candidates in a job, evaluating the employees performance and determining training needs but also these information help applicants to prepare themselves for the interview.

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