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Meaning, Elements, Purpose And Importance Of Job Description

Meaning of job description Job description (JD) is a document that contains job information such as requirements, qualifications, expectations and the responsibilities a job entails. A JD aims at providing job information to applicants and attract best candidates to apply for a job. Also, employers can evaluate the performance of the employees by reviewing the responsibilities and expectations mentioned in a JD and determine the training needs. Elements/components of Job description A good job description usually covers seven parts which are Job title, Job summary, Key responsibilities, Qualifications, Reporting structure, Working conditions and Compensation. Job title : A name of a job or position. It defines the duties and roles to be performed in a job.  Job summary : A summarization of job description, it provide an overview of a job. Responsibilities : The routine activities and duties to be carried out in a job. Qualifications and requirements : The job specifications an empl...

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